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Recovery Is Not Perfect

kratinellia 2020. 9. 12. 05:26
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Recovery is a place of safety, not repression. We have come to the Twelve Step program not because we were so perfect but because we are .... No one among us has been able to maintain anything like perfect adherence to these principles. We are not saints. This point is, that we are .... Perfect looks. Perfect home. Perfect relationship. Perfect life. None of that exists in recovery. None of that exists in life. So, why do I keep striving .... Experience The Miracle Of 12 Step Recovery Anonymous. 99. GETTING. BETTER,. NOT. PERFECT. Over the past couple of years, I have been learning to enjoy .... I've resisted recovery for all kinds of reasons, including because I was sick of trying to be perfect. I spent most of my adolescence trying not to .... Recovery is Not Perfect! Ok now that we got that out of the way...let's keep going with it! @NAMI.. With investigation, you see that this fear is unfounded —that the reverse is true; people love you more when you are real, not perfect. Seeing this, let go of your .... It's no secret recovery is hard, but what about life on the other side is that any easier ... The reality is recovery is worth it but recovered life is not perfect and if you .... But perfect recovery doesn't exist. In fact, even successful recovery is not about perfection. It's about progress—daily progress. That's why we .... ... trying to hard to get the perfect solution, and therefore we're not getting solutions. ... I think that no matter what we do — there has been an effect already on the .... Doing the right thing and moving forward with your life is what recovery requires. It is good to recognize we are not perfect. Even the things we think we are .... A great way to support your recovery is to focus on your progress, not being perfect. If you've struggled with binge eating and body image issues, .... But things are not perfect. I'm still ... One thing that no one tells you about depression recovery is that it can be a very lonely experience.. There is no doing recovery “perfectly” or doing recovery all at once. Like all things in life, recovery is a journey, not a destination. Sobriety, the abstinence from all mind altering substances, is a daily destination and the only thing that has to be done “perfectly”.. Humans are not perfect and we all make mistakes. But mistakes are an important part of life and allow us to grow and better ourselves. Once they .... “You're not ready for this, no matter what your new trainer thinks.” As if on ... Perfect sandy hair, perfect face, perfect hands with perfectly manicured fingernails.

Recovering from an Eating Disorder is recovery imperfection at its best. Recovery is all that matters and accepting there is no perfect recovery is .... (Well, in a perfect world I would actually not have anything to recover from, but you know.) Sadly, the world isn't like that. Instead, we're left to deal .... I soon learned that rushing recovery was one thing that was stopping me from recovering. I was trying to be not only perfect within anorexia but .... This poem is about how no individual will ever be perfect, but this should not be a source of distress, especially in the context of an eating ...


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